Bratislava (Slovakia) – 2018

Day 1: 

I arrived in Bratislava in record time. The bus arrived at the time it said it would. Such a crazy concept. Could hardly believe it! 

I went to lunch at a vegan place and it was super tasty. I arrived at 3 which meant I got a 30% discount. Basically paid nothing for food! 

I spent the next few hours exploring the old area, walking up a hill, checking out a castle and then headed back to the hostel. 

The night consisted of chats with my roomies. We stayed up way to late and spent hours laughing. It was weird me being the only girl, but the guys were nice so it was fine. 

Day 2: 

I went to breakfast at the same vegan place with a couple of the guys from my room. Unfortunately the two of them got into a debate about religion, cults and all their beliefs. It started off interesting, until the guy ended up being from a cult and then it went weird. It just meant a long breakfast. Lucky the food was incredible so I didn’t even care! 

We all caught a bus to Vienna. 

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